Yay!! I have pretty much finished my room...there are still a few things that need to be done but overall its finished...it took a lot of work but I am in love with it and I feel so relaxed in here now.. In the first picture is an a ball that I got after Christmas on clearance at Target....I paid $.83 cents...

my parents made this shelf when I was little and it was just plain wood...i love it put wanted to give it a different look so I painted it the same brown as my trim and painted the pegs and braces with silver paint to make them look metal...then I taped craft paper to the backs of the hearts

this hutch holds my TV and laptop....

I found this chair at an antique store for fifteen dollars...The material has pinapples on it...its very differnt but i like it...i got the curtin at Ross for six dollars and behind it is shelves that hold my clothes since I don't have a closet

This is my wall of closets...I love how this turned out...i wanted to put paris stuff everywhere...Its my dream to go there someday....

The color on the walls is called timeless by the way...I hope you all like it...
I'm very happy with the way it turned out... XOXO Mandy
Your room looks beautiful, you really did a great job. Now it's time to do my room lol.
Wow, it looks really great. I love the extra closet and the hutch and chair! Nice!
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